Winter is the time when nature provides a picture of stark beauty for us to enjoy. The wild colors of autumn have given way to the black and white canvas of bare branches on a cold, clear sky. Shorter days and perhaps some snow invite us to come inside.

Just as the bears hibernate and the fields go dormant in winter, humans, too, long for the repose that winter brings. Unfortunately, our culture draws us precisely away from this natural cycle, especially as the holiday season ensues. Merchants encourage us to shop ‘til we drop, we gather with family and friends to celebrate, and we often stay up late. As culture and tradition take us out of step with nature, is it any wonder that many of us are extra cranky?

Yoga can help! A quiet, meditative yoga practice will create more ease in your body, mind, and spirit, so that you can better cope with demands that are placed on you. Preserve your energy during winter months with a mellow practice, adding in extra restoratives and Yoga Nidra. Indulge in a slower, more mindful practice that takes you “back to the basics” and draws you inward. Think of rich, deep forward bends, luxurious, slow twists, and longer holds that help you connect with your breath…all of these will nourish you through ‘til Spring. Winter is naturally a time of reflection and slumber, and a healthy winter yoga practice invites us further inward.

Colleen will be teaching Yoga 101 on Monday evenings, 6:30-8pm and Wednesday mornings 10:45-12:15pm for the winter 2011 session. Join her for free classes the week of January 3rd.